Parti de l’habitat traditionnel, mais surtout d’une forme et de matériaux optimisés, trouvé sur place, dont la mise en oeuvre est connue localement, en limitant la technologie
According to the classification of Köppen-Geiger, the Sahel runs through all the countries involved in the program. So, the climate is mainly dry throughout the year, but with a season of intense and short rains. The storage capacity of runoff water is therefore essential. But it is also an area where the communication difficulties and distances restrict access to schools. Thus creating economical schools, meaning integrated and adapted to this context, seems essential, and european materials and processes, mostly obsolete. The proposed school is a succession of interiorities suitable for protection. Inclusion of circles into each other reminds of those Russian dolls that are also called “Poupées Gigognes”, derived from gignere which in Latin means birth. This layout reflects of course the increase in the level of protection and sacredness, but especially the complexity of human interiority and paths to knowledge